家庭 & 朋友


When entering the Hendricks Behavioral Hospital lobby you will be greeted and escorted to an assessment room. We will ask you to complete a few pieces of paperwork similar to a doctor’s office visit. An admission counselor will meet with you and explain the assessment and admission process, and a financial counselor will explain your benefits and how they fit with our programs.

此时此刻, 我们将完成全面的心理社会评估, review the programs available and make a recommendation for appropriate treatment either at Hendricks Behavioral Hospital or our 强化门诊项目. 如果你需要治疗,我们不提供, we will provide community resources for you to follow up with at your convenience.

Once you sign the admission paperwork the counselor will go over which items are allowed on the unit and escort you to your treatment unit for orientation with one of our nurses. 病人s will be seen by their psychiatrist and an internal medicine physician within 24 hours of admission.


  • 州或联邦政府签发的身份证件
  • 保险卡
  • 紧急赌搏排行前十网站
  • 目前的处方药清单
  • 重要的电话号码列表
  • Medical Power of Attorney or Guardianship Paperwork, if needed
  • 证明未成年人合法监护权的法律文件


联合委员会是一个独立机构, not-for-profit organization which certifies health care organizations and programs across the U.S. Their seal is a symbol of quality in an organization’s commitment to meeting certain standards.

Hendricks Behavioral Hospital has been awarded the Joint Commission’s Gold Seal of approval, 这说明我们致力于持续的高质量护理, 患者安全, 最佳实践.


Your comfort and safety are the top priority when packing for your hospital stay. Keep in mind that the list below was created with guidelines from mental health and hospital regulations. 我们提供洗衣设施,所以你不必打包过多. 我们也有存放您的手提箱和贵重物品的地方.

  • Limit your clothing to what you will need in the course of a one-week stay. 建议穿休闲装.
  • 随意换三到四套衣服. For example, casual pants or jeans, casual shirts, or comfortable, casual dresses. Please note that offensive or inappropriate logos will not be allowed. 洗衣通道提供洗衣液.
  • A supply of socks and underwear that will last between three and four days. 请不要带筒袜或打底裤.
  • 带一双没有鞋带的舒适的鞋子.
  • 一件没有系带的毛衣或薄夹克.
  • Toiletries: Comb, brush, deodorant, toothbrush, toothpaste, and rechargeable electric razor. 如果需要,我们会提供洗漱用品. (禁止使用玻璃或铝制容器, 没有镜子, 产品中不含酒精, 不要用吹风机或卷发棒.)
  • Medications: Please bring all your medications and provide a list of your current prescription and over-the-counter medications, 包括剂量和频率. CBH将只提供我们的处方药物. This may not include medications prescribed for certain medical conditions.
  • 电话号码:准备一份重要的电话号码清单, as you will not have immediate access to a cell phone while you are in treatment.
  • 请把这些物品留在家里:
    • 请勿携带珠宝、金钱或其他贵重物品. 结婚戒指是合适的.
    • 禁止穿系带的衣服:运动裤, 运动短裤, 连帽衫, 睡衣, 系鞋带鞋, 伞绳首饰或手表, 等. 裤子上也不允许系腰带.
    • 智能手机等电子设备, 平板电脑, 笔记本电脑, 收音机, 手机, 闹钟或其他有绳子的物品.
    • 你自己的枕头、床单、毯子或毛绒玩具. We will supply all the linens and pillows you need during your stay.
    • 医院外的食物和饮料. 我们会为你提供正餐和零食. 任何特殊的饮食需求都可以与我们的营养师讨论.
  • All of a patient’s belongings will be reviewed by a qualified staff member and recorded on a 病人 Property Inventory. This list of belongings will be reviewed with the patient and the patient will need to sign this form. 赌博排行前十网站不对损失负责, stolen or damaged articles listed under the “Items retained by the patient” section of the form.


每个病人都受到 HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) law that requires us to keep our patient’s identity confidential.

The patient will be given a unique ID number when they are admitted. They will have the opportunity to give their patient ID number to whomever they choose. In the case you have not received this number please leave a message for the patient and if they are admitted to the hospital, our staff will give the patient a message that you are attempting to reach them. Receptionists will not be able to confirm if a patient is admitted to the hospital without the patient ID, but if you leave a message and the person you are trying to reach is at the hospital the message will be delivered. 如果病人不想提供身份证, 这是他们的权利,电话可能不予回复.

我们努力包括朋友, 病人的家属和转诊来源, but we do respect the confidentiality of each patient and adhere to HIPAA laws.

If you are a referring professional attempting to contact your patient, please contact us and ask for one of our community liaisons to provide assistance.

家庭 & 朋友

Often times we all know someone we love and care about that struggles with mental health or chemical dependency problems.

It’s difficult for the individual and as difficult for family and friends to know what to do. HBH will help and support you in helping them through a difficult time. 我们有临床选择和许多社区资源.

As you can read below, we help patients once they come into our programs. 打电话给我们. We will walk you through steps that will not only support you but get the individual the care they need.


Hendricks Behavioral Hospital accepts most commercial insurance, 管理医疗补助和医疗保险计划, 为21岁以下患者提供医疗补助, 医疗保险和TRICARE®.

如需咨询财务顾问,请致电 (844) 991-9900 找商务办公室.


Hendricks Behavioral takes great pride in knowing we have provided effective treatment for our patients and their time at HBH was meaningful.

员工真的很好. They try and accommodate all patients and their individual needs. 我强烈推荐这种治疗方法给任何挣扎的人.


他们的群体是信息型的. 他们满足了我的需求. 员工们悠闲而有趣. 他们像人一样跟你说话. 它有很棒的食物,单位很宽敞.


这个执业护士很优秀. 她在我需要她的时候为我腾出时间. 她既耐心又善解人意. 她考虑了我的感受和愿望.
